Ah yes, that nasty woman who brought an entire Japanese-American family into her home after they got out of the benevolent FDR’s internment camp with nothing. She hired the mother to “cook” even though she had a cook. She hired the father to help with gardening even though he had no experience. She hired the daughter as a secretary although the studio provided her with a secretary. And the young son was too young to be paid a salary so he just lived in Ayn’s home with his family—along with the struggling scriptwriter she gave a home to there and the former teacher from Russia who she rescued from a refugee camp and gave her a home as well.What a nasty woman!
Well leave out the fundraisers she did for various non-profit entities such as non-profit radio networks and the Ford Hall Forum—which had her speak yearly and said she was the only major speaker who didn’t try to hold them up for vast fees.
This was someone who books explicitly said that the reward from work is the production you create not a profit. It was one where individuals said they wouldn’t do work they couldn’t be proud of for any price—but that was “greed is good.” I’m sorry but I really don’t think you a very accurate memory of what she actually said. Of course I find conservatives and progressives neither understand her. I had tea party goons argue she was a committed Christian and not an open atheist. I’ve had people say she was a conservative when she denounced conservatives most of all.
The typical conservatives who invokes her is absolutely clueless as to what she said and haven’t bothered to read her. Those who tried get lost with the big words.
I knew most of her circle of friends and some were dear friends of mine. And I’m up there in years, but I’m still willing to consider the evidence and never too old to change my mind. If I reach the stage where I can’t change my mind then I’ve adopted a religion and given up thinking for myself.