As a libertarian there is little I find to agree with in your comments and as someone who first started dealing with these issues not long after Stonewall I can't agree with your appraisal. When people speak of "activists" I realize it is quite easy to cherry pick who you mean as activists who don't hold your position can be made central to your argument and all others ignored.
More problematic, to me, is the comment "And the solutions are there. They really are. And there are plenty of people on both sides who won't be pleased with them, which is some indication they're at least in the right neighborhood."
That sets off alarm bells in the psychological realm as it defines "right" as that which everyone but the holder finds offensive. In other words it defines right by what others think and proclaims anyone being offensive as right. That just sounds like a justification for bad behavior.
Now, this piece didn't speak of any "activists" of any kind. It addressed rights of the individual and what Republicans are attacking is years worth of medical information and studies. The stripping of rights from people who may choose things you don't care for, is still the stripping of rights. It's an attack on others for not agreeing with the law maker. State power has no business doing that.